Commissioned work-
IN PROGRESS: Several portrait busts, delivered as completed. Please see portrait pages.
Photographs of the following contracts can be seen on the Commissioned work pages
In Progress--Annually since 1999 (retroactive from 1989): Riska Lions Club. Bronze statuettes specially designed for Lions Club's highly-sought-after "Active Citizen Award". The motif is an abstract interpretation of the loved local ferry, Riskafjord II, which served the inhabitants of Riska for 36 years.
2017: Adornment sculpture in concrete for the AkiR Art house, Hommersåk, Norway.
2016: Karmøy Kommunes Cultural Award for Ole Leirvåg. A portrait of Ole, and his tandom bike, used for a world-wide trekk to meet leaders at the highest level and discuss world peace and the work against terrorism. The back wheel of the bike, has a globe modeled into it to symbolize this trip. Since loosing his sight, Ole has worked for improved conditions for the impoverished and for handicapped individuals. He also received the King's medal (Kongens Fortjeneste Medal i sølv) the same day.
2016: Monument for the popular Norwegian psalm writer, Trygve Bjerkrheim. Portrait relief in bronze for his obelisk which stands in the heart of Bjerkreim, next to his childhood home, the local church and on the same spot as the previous local prayer house.
2015/16: Design of gravestone which stands outside Salt Lake City, Utah, USA. A light gray marble stone with motives depicting the love between the two recipients, their faith and their love of trapping and fishing.
2014/15: Wreath design for Pam's parents' gravestone in Colorado, USA. Engraved in granite. Thirteen flowers to depict, as Pam's Mother said, "A union of two with eleven blessings (children)." The flowers, all gardenias, the type of flower that was used during their period of courting and wedding, comes in many varieties. Blossoms were chosen that matched the personalities of the eleven children. The ribbon in the drawing was taken from photos of her mother's wedding bouquet.
2013: Contracted for design of a gravestone to compliment the interests, religion and life of the recipient. The result: a black marble stone with an engraved pattern and adorned with 5 custom-designed bronze reliefs. The result was both unique and personal. Norway
2012: Sola Commune/Sola History Club. Monument: Bronze relief in commemoration of Norwegian Women's Health Association, sola chapter (Norske Kvinners Sanitetsforening, avdeling Sola) 100års jubileum, Soltun Alderspensjonat, Sola.The history of the organization is depicted with a motif from the early 1900's of a class of nurses receiving instruction as it was this group that started nursing instruction in Norway. Income to the group has been depicted by the inclusion of the May flower and the "fastalavensris", (birch branches decorated with feathers sold just before the fast, 40 days before
Easter ). These two income sources are sold by the different chapters and fund several institutions throughout Norway. The main motif is of a nurse and client from the neighboring rest home, run by the women's group. It appears that the client is talking, maybe telling a story, and the nurse is listening attentively and smiling. She is holding the woman's hand in hers. This is to symbolize the personal care and attention that the clients receive: the optimum result of the many hours invested by the members of the women's group.
2010: Riska Church, Hommersåk.The forth relief in the Easter theme series: "Resurrection". The sculpture depicts Christ as if he is stepping through the church wall. He is marred from the ordeals of Easter week, yet he is depicted strong, determined with chin up, eyes focused squarely on the horizon and with a set jaw. He appears wet, newly baptized.
2009: Riska Church. Three reliefs in the Easter theme series: ”Palm Sunday", where Jesus is pictured riding into Jerusalem on his donkey. The crowds, who have covered his path with palm leaves and clothing, are cheering him on as he arrives. It is a serious Jesus who drills us with his eye contact that we meet in ”Communion”. Is he challenging us to commit ourselves? The main pillar in Christianity, Jesus arising from the dead, is brought to life when Maria hollers out her declaration on ”First Easter Day" --- "The angels were right! The grave IS empty! "
2007-2008: Hired as Artist with the European Cultural Capital "Stavanger 2008" and Jæren's four communes' project: "Spor i Sand" ("Tracks in Sand"). A four-month-long tour with "Den Kulturelle Skolesekken" (the national cultural department for education) was part of a massive program that activated nearly 3000 children and 300 teachers and culminated in an exhibition stretching over 1.2km of Orre Beach in May, 2008. Pam was active in several parts of the project.
2005: Riska Church. Easter Garden. A mountainside which represents Jesus' grave. It is installed and planted yearly. On Easter Sunday, the middle stone is rolled to the side and a candle is lit and placed in the crevice. It is the Easter garden which spurred the Easter relief series.
2002: Riska Church. Nativity Scene, full sized. Pam was the designer and coordinated the project. She worked in all of the phases of the project together with several members of the local art group, AKIR. This has become a popular element in the town's Christmas celebrations. It is installed each year before Advent and is used actively during church services and visits from the local daycare centers and schools. It is also part of the regional television channel's Advent vignette.
Public purchases:
Karmøy Kommune
ASKO, Rogaland
Lærdal Medical AS
Iris Kunstforening
Currently showing:
Galleri Koll / Vestlandsgalleri Stavanger
2021: NFUK Juried National Art Exhibition, (Juriert Landsutstilling)
Group, Vestfossen Kunstlaboratorium, Vestfossen
2020: NFUK Juried National Art Exhibition, (Juriert Landsutstilling)
Virtual exhibition.
2019: NFUK-Southwest Group exhibition, Sandnes
2018: NFUK Juried National Art Exhibition, (Juriert Landsutstilling)
Group, Vestfossen Kunstlaboratorium, Vestfossen
2018: HØSTUTSTILLING i Horton, Juried. Atilleriverkstedet
2017: NFUK-SV Group exhibition, Krossen Galleri, Sandnes
2016: NFUK-SV Group exhibition, Klepp City Hall
2016: NFUK Juried National Art Exhibition, II, (Juriert Landsutstilling)
Group, Oslo Rådhus, Oslo
2016-ongoing: XiA Gallery, Sandnes
2016: NFUK Juried National Art Exhibition, (Juriert Landsutstilling)
Group, Nes Kulturhus, Årnes
2014-ongoing: Gallery Koll, Vestlands Galleriet, Stavanger
2015: Christmas exhibition, Group, Sola Atelier, Sola
2015: NFUK-SV Group exhibition, Amfi Vågen, Sandnes
2015: Spring exhibition, Group, Sola Atelier, Sola
2014: Christmas exhibition, Group, Sola Atelier, Sola
2014: Group exhibition. Frieda Hansens Hus, Stavanger
2014: Group exhibition. Klepp City Hall
2013: Christmas exhibition, Group, Sola Atelier, Sola
2013: Group exhibition. Klepp City Hall
2013: Group exhibition. Sirdal Fjellmuseum, Kvæven
2012: Group exhibition. Klepp City Hall
2012: Separate exhibition. Fotland Mølle, Bryne, Time Commune
2011/12: Gallery Søya Gård, Søyland
2011: Group exhibition. Klepp City Hall
2010: Group exhibition. Klepp City Hall
2010: Duo exhibition ”One Step Further” X-IA Gallery, Ganddal,
together with textile artist, Anna Helene Hanum Padøy.
2007: Group exhibition. X-IA Gallery, Ganddal
2005: Group exhibition. Skudenesdagene, Skudeneshavn
2005: Juried exhibition. Ryfylke Utstilling. 5 sculptures accepted
2005: Group exhibition. Fjotland Jakt og Rypelag, Fjotland
2004: Group exhibition. Åsedalen Gallery, Ganddal
2004: Group exhibition. Fjotland Jakt og Rypelag
1991-2005: Group exhibitions. AkiR, local art group